Thursday, May 15, 2008

New York Times Article Self-Assessment Checklist

Based on the article you just read, are you able to nswer the following questions?

a. What makes the village of Umoja different from other villages in northern Kenya?
b. Who "runs the show" in Umoja, and why is this "odd"?
c. What does "umoja" mean?
d. Who is Rebecca Lolosoli, and how does she view men, according to the article?
e. How many residents live in Umoja?
f. What are the reasons why its inhabitants have taken up residence in Umoja?
g. What legal actions are in place regarding the accusations against British soldiers for rape?
h. Why are some of the women who are making these accusations considered to be "opportunistic"?
i. How did Joseph Kukulet respond to the news that his wife had been sexually assaulted by a soldier?
j. Why was Mr. Kukulet angry at his wife?
k. How do the women in Umoja sustain themselves financially? Who buys the necklaces that the women make?
l. What do the women do with their earnings, and how is this different from the decisions of their husbands?
m. How do some of the local men respond to Umoja?
n. Is divorce possible in Samburu culture? How do the men react sometimes when their wives flee to Umoja?
o. How do the women of Umoja respond when asked about the men in their village?
p. Are there any men in Umoja? What are their roles?

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